In the field of accounting services, financial accounting occupies an independent and important place. Financial accounting is an integral part of accounting and is regulated by legislative acts and standards. Through financial accounting, the following is carried out:
  • Accounting of financial resources
  • Movement and available funds
  • Used in summarizing, analyzing and reporting financial transactions related to business
Information obtained from financial accounting is used by shareholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners and other interested parties. who need to have digital information when making decisions. Financial accounting is governed by both local and international accounting standards and the laws of a given country. Accounting standards are guidelines that specify how certain types of transactions and other events should be presented in the financial statements. Financial accounting must meet certain criteria:
  • Accurate description
  • Compliance (relevance)
  • Verifiability
  • Comparability
  • Intelligibility
  • Chronology
The company “constant consulting” in the provision of financial accounting services guarantees the perfect implementation of the above points.

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